Justine Mugabo

In the first episode of In Her Words series, we talked with Justine Mugabo. Justine joined In Her Presence when she wanted to learn English to advance her career. She is now in the advanced level and a board member.

How did you meet Claudette? How did you get involved with In Her Presence? 

I met Claudette through a friend. She was my neighbor as well.

Why did you decide to join In Her Presence?

I decided to be involved with In Her Presence because I wanted to improve my level of English and wanted to learn how to start the new journey in Maine.

What was your life like in Maine before you joined In Her Presence? 

I didn’t know how to express myself because of the language and I was so confused and depressed. I didn’t know what to do.

Can you think of something specific that you had trouble with?

I was so depressed! In brief, I was just depressed

How has being involved with In Her Presence changed you or changed your life?

They brought me to a new career through confidence building and family support. They help me gain skills in performing different duties. IHP helps me connect with other communities. In Her Presence also help me morally and physically. In Her Presence became my big family. I receive assistance and support from them; to be honest today, my kids are so proud of In Her Presence. Everyone around me knows In Her Presence., even my family back home. They know In Her Presence.

What Justine Mugabo does like the most about In Her Presence? 

What I like most about In Her Presence is the way we are united and connected. It is like a family. We keep in touch and care for each other. In Her Presence has become a place of calmness, peace, and comfortability. You can talk to one of In Her Presence woman, like Mickey, Claudette, or talk to you and get an answer. In Her Presence is really a family to me. Most of the things I manage to get is through In Her Presence.

I don’t know if I shared with you, last time that we’ve had a lawyer. I connected with my lawyer through In Her Presence. To get a free lawyer is hard so I can just be grateful for the chance I got.

I don’t have the right words to express how I feel with In Her Presence but the group is my family, my big family.

Is there anything you would like to tell the people who support  In Her Presence? People, who make donations and even give donations of their time.

First of all, I want to thank them so much, May God bless them. We love them and we know that everything happening in In Her Presence, It’s because of them, their support, and their gifts.

I also wanted to tell them that what they’re doing is noble and they need to be proud of it.

We love them, we pray for them, we are grateful for them. Thank you so much.



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