Solving Problems Together

Get to know one of the board members who contribute valuable time and invaluable wisdom to our organization.
This quarter, meet Lucky Hollander, our very own Board Chair. 

I am thrilled to be asked to begin what will become In Our Boardroom column spotlighting a board member, staff person, or volunteer in In Her Presence. The first time I met Claudette and Micky, we made an immediate connection, realized our commitment to social justice was completely aligned, and that we would be close allies and partners in many community efforts. I looked for their guidance, as did many other community volunteers, on how to effectively work with immigrants and refugees. My focus has been on unaccompanied minors, but while not the focus of In Her Presence, it was impossible to separate the needs and challenges of young people from similar struggles of the adults IHP worked with. They never once said “unaccompanied minors are not our job” or “you really ought to talk to ….” We solved problems together, and practiced what I have come to call “no wrong door”. When someone comes to any of us with an immediate issue, we make sure they are on their way to a solution before directing them to another program. Every single day I feel fortunate to be able to work with a group of people so aligned with my vision for our community, our state, and our country. That all people, no matter what their journey, are given the respect, tools, and opportunity to feel safe, supported, and successful. 



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